
James McCafferty

Appears in 45 Episodes

Episode 20: It's not the establishment

Hart and James bring in all of the research economists to discuss the latest data around unemployment, construction, rate cuts, water adjudication and what it all mean...

Episode 17: A (Taylor) Swift Effect

The team gets together to chat about the current forecast.  Are interest rates coming down? Inflation rates?

Episode 16: Summertime Data Funtime

Grab your Coffee and Popcorn (it will make some sense later) and listen in on what the team has to say in this glorious summer of 2023.

Episode 15: A Hundred Acre Wood full of Eeyores?

Spring has sprung in our region – from Tulips in the Skagit Valley to a fresh dusting of pollen just about everywhere else.  There is always such a rush of optimism wh...

Episode 14: The PNW Canary in the Coal Mine

James, Hart, Bethany and Cam cover all the big topics affection the economy this quarter. Our population numbers are changing in a real way, what will that mean for ou...

Episode 13: My Economy, Your Economy

A discussion centered around the current inflation outlook and how many stories can be told from the same data. The team covers the why and how of the many views that...

Episode 12: That's my number!

We know that everyone wants to know about inflation - so that's what we are giving you! Inflation numbers and the different metrics we use to try to identify what's re...

11: One Month Does Not a Trend Make

Are we coming out of the COVID-19 Tunnel? The numbers a looking up, but we warn, one month doesn't make a trend. The team covers Inflation, CPI, Ukraine, Supply Chain ...

Episode 10: Inflation Thoughts for Early 2022

The team hits all the usual topics with an eye towards the inflation concerns that are popping up everywhere - how much should we be worried by or even pay attention t...

Episode 9 - For Pessimists, We Are Pretty Optimistic

Could we actually be moving forward to a world open with Covid? The team unpacks the usual topics, COVID, Employment news and numbers, changing labor force, Inflation ...

City Center Rent is on the Rise

If rent is rising, what does that tell us? Listen to the full podcast for more information.

Rising Vehicle Prices - a Harbinger of Things to Come?

Are those crazy high truck prices a sign of inflation or a short term affect of supply chain issues?

How our Workspaces are Changing

Commercial Real Estate is seeing some changes.

Beware the Word Average

When we say things like median and average, what does that really mean for individuals in the economy.

Three Words - Doug the Pug

How do we go about counting people who are working, making money, but are not participating in the workforce in the traditional sense? Listen to the full podcast for m...

Employees Wagging the Dog?

Changing employee markets are impacting how companies find workers.

The Great Resignation

3% of employees quit their job last quarter - how does that impact? Listen to the full podcast for more information.

Forecaster Predicts More Fights on Airplanes

In all seriousness we touch on the economy as we emerge from the pandemic

Ep8: Stranger Things and Groundhog Day

We released a special edition of the Forecaster. With so much going on in the economy we had plenty to talk about. Topic covered include: COVID and Economic Recovery...

Don't call it a bubble

What is really going on with home prices? Bethany breaks it down. Listen to the full episode.

We've Entered... the Variant Zone.

Kids are returning to school, but offices are closing again. What does COVID-19 recovery look like in the months ahead?

We are still getting older at the same rate

Some things are just following the natural order of things! As COVID-19 makes things feel like we are standing still, we've continued to get older through the pandemic...

Got CDL? We want you!

Got CDL? Find out more about labor shortages and the impact on our national supply chain in the full episode

Why Publish a Special Edition?

Josh covers the reasons the center decided to publish a special edition - it doesn't happen often. New numbers, new information, etc. Find out more in the full episode.

Are school supplies the new toilet paper?

It is back to school time and school supplies have become the new toilet paper. List to the full episode to find out Josh's answer to the question.

Ep7: The Usual Level of Chaos

James, Hart and the crew cover the most recent Forecaster and look deeper into the topics of Employment, Commercial Real Estate, Residential Real Estate, the Region Ou...

Looking for a job? Looking to fill a job?

Wondering about employment gains and recovery? The team looks at what might be going on behind the numbers.

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2020 Puget Sound Economic Forecaster