We are calling this After Hours with the Puget Sound Economic Forecaster in recognition that a lot happens in the publication of the quarterly newsletter and the monthly online updates that does not make it into the final publication. It also turns out that after we hit the print button, people keep releasing more information
Each quarter we plan to sit down and talk with researchers, contributors and special guests to take an expanded and more current look at our region’s economy. We receive some fantastic and interesting questions via email and our website – cebr.wwu.edu – and we may dig in to some of those as well in these conversations.
Each quarter we plan to sit down and talk with researchers, contributors and special guests to take an expanded and more current look at our region’s economy. We receive some fantastic and interesting questions via email and our website – cebr.wwu.edu – and we may dig in to some of those as well in these conversations.
Ep8: Stranger Things and Groundhog Day
We released a special edition of the Forecaster. With so much going on in the economy we had plenty to talk about. Topic covered include: COVID and Economic Recovery...
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